Channel: Beautiful Destinations
Category: Travel & Events
Tags: stephen currygolden gate bridgesan francisco bay areagolden state warriorsstrength in numbersbay areanbacurrybeautiful destinationssam koldersan frannba finalsandy tooaklandwon the westthe warriorswarriorscaliforniabd teamkevin durantsan francisco
Description: My name is Andy To from Oakland California, I’ve dedicated my life to spreading positivity and creating stories through film making. This video is about the big city that lived next door to my hometown Oakland. I knew if I made a video about the Bay Area that I couldn't do it alone. I hit up my friends, outsourced some video and audio from the community and ended up with this. Thank you to everyone who contributed a piece of themselves into this. I seriously couldn't have done this without you. I'm proud to be from the bay and I hope that this video does it justice. Here's to the Golden State Warriors winning the NBA Finals! They've "Won the West" and shown "Strength in Numbers". Andy To's Instagram: Special thanks to: Alex Rios Brian Nguyen Chris Henderson David Quach Ezekiel Yan Joe Lee Matt Maniego Phillip Santos Ramil Sumalpong